Make a tax-deductible donation to WDC!

Help us make 2023 a record breaking year. Your tax-deductible donation will support :

    1. Your donations fund our Marine Animal Rescue and Response Program and purchase the necessary equipment to respond to stranded whales, dolphins, and seals.  This is a natural extension of our current work but requires a substantial investment to properly address animals in need while keeping our staff safe!
    2. Give endangered whale populations protections and a safer, healthier ocean as we help implement regulations and guidelines on vessel strikes, accidental entanglements, dam removal, noise pollution, and critical habitat preservation.
    3. Expand our new ground-breaking initiatives:
        1. Paid internship programs for the next generation of individuals who will work to protect whales, dolphins, and their ocean homes.
        2. Phase Three testing and expansion of new technology to make fishing safer for whales and dolphins and more economically friendly for fishers.

Thanks to donors like you for making whales and dolphins very happy as WDC:

    1. Runs campaigns to increase protections for the endangered North Atlantic right whale from accidentally becoming entangled in fishing gear or struck by passing vessels.
    2. Helps get Southern Resident orca critical habitat expanded by 640%, giving the remaining 74 orcas a greater chance of survival
    3. Added over 10,700 photos of whales and dolphins to our digital database to be shared and used for long-term research studies.
    4. Makes fishing safer for whales and dolphins by collaborating with fishermen, scientists, engineers, and conservationists to test a revolutionary technology called ‘on-demand fishing’
    5. Launches our first paid internships, making the field of marine mammal science and conservation more accessible to ensure that the whales and dolphins have the best advocates in place for their future!

Please keep this momentum going and consider making a tax-deductible donation today!

You can also support our mission by adopting a whalebecoming a Flippin Awesome Member, and pledging your support by signing our “Raise Your RIGHT Hand for RIGHT Whales” petition.  As a 501C3 charity, we rely on generous tax-deductible donations to continue our work.