eNewsletter: October edition

Spotlight: Atlantic & Pacific white-sided dolphin

Each month we will dive into fun facts, stories, and updates with you, our whale and dolphin loving community of fin-tastic supporters!

Atlantic white-sided dolphin
Atlantic white-sided dolphin
Pacific white-sided dolphin

Did you know?

There are two types of white-sided dolphins, Atlantic & Pacific.

Atlantic white-sided dolphins

  • Atlantic white-sided dolphins are pretty sociable and are known to associate with a variety of other species.
  • They have a very flexible palate and seem just as happy munching down on herring, cod or mackerel as they are snacking on shrimp and sand eels.
  • Known to be ‘co-operative feeders’ which means…

Pacific white-sided dolphins

  • Pacific white-sided dolphins are also happy to hang out with other species, including northern right-whale dolphins, Risso’s dolphins, sea lions and even seals.
  • They like to feed on a variety of prey, like squid and small schooling fish (capelin, sardines, and herring).
  • Other names…

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In the news

Small whale and dolphin hunts in the Faroe Islands

In the waters surrounding the Faroe Islands, one of the most infamous slaughters of small whales and dolphins in the North Atlantic takes place on an annual basis. The hunt can last for hours and wipe out entire pods and families, with unimaginable suffering.

Luke McMillan, the head of anti-whaling and captivity at WDC, said, “Faroese people don’t need to kill whales or dolphins to survive, and the meat itself is so contaminated with heavy metals that their own health authority warns against eating it more than once a month.” He added…

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White Sharks and Whales Expedition

The White Shark and Whales Expedition, hosted by WDC and Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC), had an extraordinary third and final expedition of the season. Participants saw 20-30 humpbacks, 2-3 minkes, and over 100 Atlantic white-sided dolphins. One whale breached and CBS Boston news featured them!