eNewsletter: October edition

Spotlight: Sei whale

Each month we will dive into fun facts, stories, and updates with you, our whale and dolphin loving community of fin-tastic supporters!

Did you know?

  • Scientific name: Balaenoptera borealis
  • Other names: Rudolphi’s rorqual; Japan finner’ Sardine whale; Coalfish whale.
  • The nicknames ‘pollack whale’, ‘coalfish whale’ and ‘sardine whale’ come from the fact that…

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© WDC, sei whale



WDC responds to a second deceased minke whale in just 5 weeks

On the evening of Saturday September 21, WDC’s Marine Animal Rescue and Response (MARR) team received news of a deceased minke whale who washed ashore in Plymouth, MA. Read the full story.

WDC supports IFAW during bottlenose dolphin release

On Monday, September 16, the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) responded to an unprecedented mass stranding of bottlenose dolphins on Cape Cod. Read the full story.

A farewell to Lollipop, the humpback whale

Lollipop was a 10-year-old humpback whale who was well-known and loved. When we first received a call from NOAA in early July alerting us to a dead whale in our response area, we had no way to prepare for the news that Lollipop was gone. Read the full story.

Sei whale characteristics

  • The bodies of sei whales range in coloring from murky blues to steely grays to deep browns.
  • Growing up to 19.5 meters long, female sei whales are the larger of the two sexes, eclipsing their male counterparts by over…
© WDC, sei whale


Whale watching

Whale watching with Grace

“The humpback whale sighted between 2:35 and 2:52 at the end of the excursion was very playful- slapping the water with its flippers while the boat was still far from view. After the boat slowed for viewing, the whale continued flipper slapping, tail breaching, rolling over, and performing a half and a full breach before we pulled away.”

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Dive in each month to learn more about whales, dolphins, and how together we can protect them.