Our work to protect orcas is only possible because of you.
How You Can Help
You can explore the many ways to contribute to this work by clicking here, but the easiest way is to choose one of the options below:
Thanks to you, we’ve made long-term significant impacts on protecting orcas, especially the endangered Southern Resident orca population.
- Founding member of the Orca Salmon Alliance (OSA) – a 17-member collaborative whose immediate objective is to prevent the extinction of the Southern Resident orcas by recovering the wild Chinook populations upon which the whales depend for their survival
- Demanding removal of dams to help restore salmon populations, resulting in a groundbreaking proposal this year to remove the lower Snake River dams and only final federal approval to remove the Klamath River dams.
- Key input to the Washington Southern Resident Task Force recommendations for protecting the Southern Residents.
- Leading the charge for Orca Action Month in the state of Oregon, with a goal of creating a task force similar to the state of Washington