Welcome to the WDC Whale Sightings Page!

We’re so glad that you adopted a whale! That’s so exciting!

Below you can find the most recent sightings for all our loveable, adoptable whales.

September 2023 – This handsome guy waited until September to shine, he was spotted by our Whale SENSE partners on the Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch on September 12th, feeding with more than a dozen of his friends.   

September 2023 – She’s back and decided a vacation in the Hamptons was on her bucket list. Our friends at the Coastal Research & Education Society of Long Island saw Mars off Montauk, NY on August 13th. WDC saw Nile and Putter (Mars’s daughter and son) hanging out together- we don’t normally see known related animals hanging out together, never mind siblings! We also saw Sprinkles (Mars’s grandson). 

Her kids, Nile and Putter, were hanging out in October 2023. 

August 2023 – This introvert was sighted south of Martha’s Vineyard by our friends at the Center for Coastal Studies on August 17th. While other whales were in the area, she was doing her own thing.     

We hoped for some “peppered” sightings of her, but unfortunately, she’s playing hard to get. Thankfully, her children are less camera shy and her daughter, Habanero, and son, Striation, made appearances in August 2023.

Although we haven’t seen Pepper in a while, it is not unusual for whales to start feeding in areas outside of the public eye. One time, a humpback whale was resighted after 35 years of evading cameras.

April 2024 – Reflection is back with a new calf! Captain John Boats saw her and her calf on April 16.

August 2023 – She not only made an August appearance but teamed up with Cajun and her calf for an afternoon feast. 

May 2024 – Hyannis Whale Watcher, a Whale SENSE whale watch partner, saw Salt on their very first trip of the year on May 17! Mostaza, Salt’s 24-year-old daughter, was spotted at the end of April.

October 2023 – Surprise! Salt had to make a grand exit and give Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch a final farewell on October 19 in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary.  

August 2023 – We know he’s been around but managed to evade cameras in August.

July 2023 – He has been seen out and about, hanging out in the Gulf of Maine.

October 2023 – The A54s, along with Fife’s family and other groups traveled together in the Johnstone strait. They made multiple visits to the rubbing beaches, foraged for salmon, and vocalized day and night. 

September 2023 – Fife’s family was the first to arrive, they made their way past OrcaLab through the Johnson Strait and went immediately to the rubbing beaches to settle themselves in. 

September 2023 – Soon after Fife’s family, Holly’s family returned again! 

August 2023 – Holly and her family have made brief appearances this month in the Johnstone Strait but spent most of their time in the Strait of Georgia.